Aparaaditehas open culture platform 2024
In 2024, many fresh and unique events took place within the framework of the open culture platform of the Aparaaditehas, which enriched the year of Tartu as the Capital of Culture and served as a springboard for many young creative individuals and cultural organizers. The Aparaaditehas will continue to cooperate with the organizers of many of these events in the future.- The audience program of the project “Siinpool sood”. Series of events included a karaoke night, a documentary screening at the Aparaaditehas Taskupark and a history lecture. Hosted by NGO Tartu LGBT+. The events took place from June to August 2024.
- Linda Mai Kari's solo exhibition "A Garden Built with Love" in the white greenhouse of the Aparaatitehas (opening 30.08.2024)
- Tartu Illustration Festival TIF (14.09.2024)
- Board Game Hackathon (1-3.11.2024)
- MUST KURG 2024 – Baltic Extreme Music Festival (09.11.2024)
- Contemporary dance workshop "From movement to dance" (November 2024)
NGO Aparaaditehas
Kastani 42, Tartu
+372 5663 1234