change consulting and training room TEGU

Change Consulting is a training and consulting company that encourages and supports development in organizations, teams and people's personal lives. We believe that learning happens when people meet people, when "smart" and "fun" are not standards, and when a science-based approach meets human contact and intuition.

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Our 50m2 bright training room TEGU is located in Tartu, on the second floor of the Kastanitänava building of the Aparaadithehase. The room is suitable for training, seminars, information days and meetings. The comfortable and cozy environment is perfect for learning and development work. There is WIFI, a flipchart, TV, projector, drinking water on site. It is possible to pre-order both coffee breaks and lunches.

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Change Consulting OÜ
Kontor ja koolitusruum TEGU
(Aparaaditehas, 2nd floor, doors nr 2)
Kastani 42, Tartu 50410
Tel: 5054500