Arhitektuurikool // School of Architecture

Tartu branch of the School of Architecture

NB! Tartu classes take place in the TYPA classroom of the Printing and Paper Art Center (Kastani 48F, Tartu).

The School of Architecture is a hobby school where children and young people become more aware of the surrounding environment and discover the laws of the spatial world. The School of Architecture is the only school in Estonia offering hobby education in the field of spatial studies.

We value high-quality and meaningful environments and people's desire to actively participate in change processes. We believe that by fostering curiosity in young people and encouraging them to experiment, we will smoothly move towards a more caring and people-aware society. We help young people understand spatial culture as an important part of our everyday lives.

For an hour and a half, under the guidance of architects, they will explore a topic, discuss thoughts and questions, and examine how the completed work relates to the topic, what solutions it offers, or what questions it raises.
Teised majalised-eng


MTÜ Ruumiharidus, Arhitektuurikool