WORKSHOP // Wikipedia lab

In the framework of the Appliance Factory Festival and Galleries Night vol 13, the Sofa Office seminar room opens its doors on 30 August at 18:00.
Come and find out and try how Wikipedia is made!
Different Wikipedia "test tubes" will be set up where you can try out Wikipedia reactions, get all your questions answered and clear up some confusing things.
Thanks to the joint effort of all visitors, Johannes Gutenberg will be put on Wikipedia this evening, the factory boss about whom Wikipedia still (quite undeservedly) lacks a wiki page. If you want to contribute to an important event, be there!
Be sure to stop by, as we'll be giving away a wiki pin to all participants!
One thing's for sure, you'll leave the WikiLab smarter than when you got there.
It's completely free!
N.B. Gutenberg himself may or may not be present. 🙂
The Sofa Office is located in Tartu Aparaaditehas, entrance no. 2, 3rd floor.

Other events


Starts at: 30. 08. 24

Time: 18:00 - 22:00

Location: Wikimedia Eesti

Ticket: Free

