Tattoos at home or Cairo flash day HAKI galleries

No room for new art on your home walls? Come and pick something you like from the Cairo's drawings of the city's navy, maybe there's a piece of empty space on your thigh, arm, leg... 30 August 2024from 18 to 21, the artist's body tattoo artist Sky will be present at the Cairo House Museum. at 18.15 and 20, Cairo will tour the trail of his tattoos and tell stories about the images. On 31 August 2024, from 12 to 14 pm, Sky, the artist's body tattooist, will be present at the Cairo House Museum.

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Starts at: 30. 08. 24 - 31. 08. 24

Time: 18:00 - 22:00

Location: Haki Galerii

Ticket: Free

