LITERATURE // Gutenberg's talk meter in September

Gutenberg, the cat of the appliance factory, will be visited by children's author Liis Sein on Saturday, 28 September at 11.30.
Liis will be presenting her new book "Mona's Extraordinary Mother", about the mother of an ordinary family who decides to do a major overhaul of the festive calendar and creates a veritable marathon of holidays. But it puts the other family members' nerves to the test.
Gutenberg's Storytime is a series of children's events in the Biblioteek bookstore, usually held once a month on Saturdays, and especially for children aged 3-11 years. There's chat and fun, morsels and .... Secret!
But what can parents do with the free time they have?
Maybe visit cafés or exhibitions - for example, Tiina Kaljuste's exhibition "Procession" is on display in the studio shop Bears and Sons.
Come and spend your Saturday morning with stories and Gutenberg!

Other events


Starts at: 28. 09. 24

Time: 10:30 - 11:30

Location: Biblioteek

Ticket: Free

