JOGA // Pranayama and Full Vinyasa class

Pranayama and Full Vinyasa class

The yoga school has a tradition of meeting on the last Sunday of every month to explore the practice of ashtanga vinyasa yoga in a little more depth.
The Full Vinyasa class provides a practical opportunity to gain a better understanding of the vinyasa system and the 'count' by which the guided class is conducted. Plus, it's a nice challenge to the daily practice.
The length of the class depends on the participants, but we have usually done up to Navasan. The practice is preceded by a guided pranayama and after the practice we welcome questions from participants. You can ask for technical clarifications about asanas as well as anything else.
Participants are also welcome to share and discuss.
If there is time, we will share impressions of the last retreat from Lino Miele's retreat.
As for the chat, the yoga school will provide tea, you can bring something to share, but it is not mandatory 🙂 .

This is included in the monthly fee for Yoga School members. However, all other friends of the yoga school are welcome as well.
The price for a guest is €20.

Please register by Sunday morning:

Other events


Starts at: 26. 05. 24

Time: 18:00 - 20:00

Location: Tartu Ashtanga Jooga Kool ja Deepdance Company

Ticket: 20€

