EXHIBITION // “Exobiota"

Mihkel Maripuu
Curator: Lilian Hiob-Küttis
28.02 — 19.04

We are opening Mihkel Maripuu's exhibition Exobiota on 28 February at 18.00 at Kogo Gallery.

Mihkel Maripuu’s solo exhibition Exobiota rips post-internet art from the slick, weightless void of the screen and forces it into physical space, giving the virtual what it has never had: a body. Airbrushed gradients, hyper-clean hues, and high-res perfection – visuals built for seamless digital flow – are locked down, chained to the gallery, forcing the digital to bear the weight, rawness and intensity of the physical world. To breathe the same air as us. The mindless flow of scrolling crashes into stillness, demanding engagement beyond the screen.

Mihkel Maripuu (b. 1987) is an artist examining the evolution of visual language in the digital era, addressing its impact on contemporary aesthetics and materiality. His practice interrogates the shifting dynamics between technological systems and organic worlds, tracing moments where the two collapse into one another. Through compressed, multi-layered, and at times aggressively rendered compositions, Maripuu constructs environments in-which digital logic glitches into painterly materiality, creating a space of tension, resistance and reinvention. Through a dynamic, boundary-pushing practice, he defines the intersections between the illusory and material in contemporary art.

The exhibition is funded by the Cultural Endowment of Estonia and the City of Tartu.

Read more about the exhibition: www.kogogallery.ee/en/exhibitions/exobiota/

Kastani 42, Tartu
Wed–Fri at 12–18, Sat at 12–16

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Starts at: 28. 02. 25 - 19. 04. 25

Time: 12:00 - 18:00

Location: Kogo galerii

Ticket: Free admission


Kogo galerii
Kastani 42, Tartu
K–R kell 12–18, L kell 12–16