TÖÖTUBA // Spiraalköites märkmiku lühikursus TYPAs
Ehk oled sinagi võlutult TYPA kauneid vanade raamatukaante vahele köidetud märkmike piideldnud? Vahest pitsitab südames soov õppida päris ise neid valmistama?
Siis ootame sind 10. detsembril spiraalköites märkmiku lühikursusele Katre Kiidroni juhendamisel.
Juhendaja Katre Kiidron on õppinud kujundusgraafikat Tartu Kunstikoolis ning töötab alates 2021. aastast TYPA köitespetsialistina.
Osalejad saavad töötoa vältel võtta lõunapausi sobival ajal.
*TYPA lõunat ei paku.
Osalustasu: 45€ / *30€
*kuni 26-aastased üliõpilased, pensionärid, puudega inimesed
Kohtade arv on piiratud, registreerumiseks kirjuta meile typa@typa.ee.
Have you found yourself admiring TYPA's beautiful notebooks bound between old book covers? Maybe you have a burning desire to learn how to make them yourself?
Then we are waiting for you on the 10th of December for a Spiral-bound notebook short course!
In the six-hour workshop, you can create a College series notebook from old book covers. The notebook will be made in combed spiral binding, the content paper is: white, lined or dotted.
The covers can be made by the participant from a book they have brought (up to A4 size) or they can choose from the TYPA notebook cover collection.
The course is conducted by Katre Kiidron, who has studied graphic design in Tartu Art School and has been working as a binding specialist at TYPA from 2021.
Participants can take a lunch break at their convenience during the workshop.
*TYPA does not serve lunch.
Price: 45€ / *35€
*students up to age of 26, retired persons, persons with disability
Spots are limited, write us typa@typa.ee to register.
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