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Tule veeda sõprade ja lähedastega mõnus loominguline õhtu Aparaaditehases!
Jõulueelsel nädalal toimub Sofa Hubi ja Paranduskeldri koostöös vahva töötuba, kus jagub tegevusi igale vanusele.
Kaunistame ühiselt jõulupuud eriliste käsitööehetega! Kaunistatud jõulupuud kingime Tartu Laste Turvakodule ja Tartu Perekodule Käopesa, et kinkida jõulusoojust neile, kes seda kõige rohkem ootavad!
Õpime voltima pisikesi kuusepuid, mis sobivad ideaalselt kodu kaunistamiseks!
Valmistame lähedastele südamlikud jõulukaardid!
Meisterdame üheskoos pikima jõuluketi, mis hakkab kaunistama Aparaaditehase koridore!
Avatud on ka pisike kohvik, kus pakume glögi ja teed. Paranduskelder kostitab kõiki osalejaid koduse piruka ja piparkookidega!
Paranduskelder & Sofa Hub Aparaaditehases
Osalemine on TASUTA!
Kohvikus saab tasuda sularahas!
Veedame üheskoos imelise õhtu!
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Create, Connect, and Share the Holiday Spirit!
This holiday season, let your imagination run wild and craft something truly unique! Join us for "Drink, Decorate & Repair", an unforgettable evening of creativity, warmth, and giving back—brought to you in collaboration with Paranduskelder.
Activities Include :
- Decorating themed Christmas trees - let your creativity shine as you design Christmas tree ornaments that have *never existed before*! Dream big, go bold, and create something magical.
- Crafting mini take-home Christmas trees - perfect keepsakes or gifts. Thanks to our partnership with Paranduskelder, you’ll have access to sewing machines and the guidance of experienced craftsmen.
- Designing Christmas cards - choosing between whimsical designs made with old children’s books or humorous ones with Christmas memes.
- Joining forces to create the longest Christmas tree chain, a stunning decoration for Aparaaditehas!
What Makes This Event Special?
Each beautifully decorated Christmas tree will be donated to the Tartu Children’s Shelter and Tartu Family Home Käopesa brightening the holiday season for children who need it most. Your creativity will make a meaningful impact! No artistic experience required! Everyone can create a decoration tailored to their skills—whether it’s simple or intricate, it will make a difference.
Drinks & Warmth
To keep holiday spirit going we will be selling “winter” drinks:
Mulled wine, craft beer, and non-alcoholic Glögi will be available to purchase on site.
Free tea to keep you warm and cozy during the evening!
Whether you're far from family this holiday season or simply love the idea of celebrating in a cozy, festive atmosphere, we welcome you to spend this special time of year with us.
When & Where?
18.12.2024 17:00 - as long as we can!
Aparaaditehas - SOFA HUB & Parandudkelder
Entrance: Free
Drinks: cash on the spot!
Let’s make this season unforgettable!
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