TÖÖTUBA // Haori õmblemine / Haori Workshop
ENG below
Tule õmble endale ise üks eriline riideese!
Haori on pikaajalise traditsiooniga Jaapanist pärit jakk, mida on kombeks kanda kimono peal. Kuna tegemist on väga lihtsa ja multifunktsionaalse, aga samas elegantse riideesemega, on kaasaegsed tõlgendused sellest traditsioonilisest rõivast ka siinmail populaarseks saanud.
Haori lõige on küllaltki lihtne, mis tähendab, et see on jõukohane ka algajale õmblejale.
* tuvustame haori traditsiooni
* õpime õmbluslõikeid kasutama ja neid oma mõõtude järgi kohandama
* tutvume vajalike õmblusvõtetega
* kirjeldame samm-sammult haori õmblemise protsessi
* igaüks saab endale õmmelda kauni kaasaegse haori
Kõik materjalid on kohapeal olemas, aga kui soovid näiteks taaselustada vanaema pärandatud kaardinad, siis võid muidugi kanga ise kaasa võtta.
Pilet: 35€
Registreeri end siin: https://fienta.com/et/haori-tootuba-121517
Come and make yourself a special piece of clothing!
Haori is a traditional Japanese jacket, traditionally worn over a kimono. Since it's elegant, yet simple and multifunctional, modern interpretations of haori are now gaining popularity on this side of the globe. The sewing pattern of a haori is relatively simple, which makes it a great project for beginners.
What will the workshop cover?
* introduction to the haori tradition
* using and altering sewing patterns to ones needs
* learning the necessary sewing techniques
* walking through the steps of sewing this garment
* everyone gets to make their own modern haori
We have all the materials needed, but if, for example, you wish to give new life to your grandmother's curtains, then of course you can bring your own fabric!
Price: 35€
Register here: https://fienta.com/et/haori-tootuba-121517
Teised üritused
Come and make yourself a special piece of clothing!
Haori is a traditional Japanese jacket, traditionally worn over a kimono. Since it's elegant, yet simple and multifunctional, modern interpretations of haori are now gaining popularity on this side of the globe. The sewing pattern of a haori is relatively simple, which makes it a great project for beginners.
What will the workshop cover?
* introduction to the haori tradition
* using and altering sewing patterns to ones needs
* learning the necessary sewing techniques
* walking through the steps of sewing this garment
* everyone gets to make their own modern haori
We have all the materials needed, but if, for example, you wish to give new life to your grandmother's curtains, then of course you can bring your own fabric!
Price: 35€
Register here: https://fienta.com/et/haori-tootuba-121517
Kuupäev: 08. 03. 25
Kell: 12:00 - 15:00
Koht: Paranduskelder
Pilet: 35€
MTÜ Paranduskelder
Reg. nr: 80565957
KMKR: EE102180161
Kastani 42
50410 Tartu
Eesti, EU
Telefon: +372 5323 5013
E-mail: info@paranda.ee
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