NÄITUS // Pimikuklubi näitus // Darkroom Club Exhibition
Kutsume sind TYPA Pimikuklubi näituse avamisele reedel, 17. märtsil kell 20:00 TYPA galeriis!
TYPA pimikuklubi alustas 2021. aasta sügisel. Klubilised on pärit erinevatest riikidest, kuid neid ühendab kirg pimikus eksperimenteerimise ja vanade kaamerate vastu. Pimikuklubis harrastatakse erinevaid fototehnikaid, millest huvitavamad katsetused on näitusele välja pandud. Näha saab tsüanotüüpiaid, hõbe-želatiinfotosid, nõelaaugu-kaameraga tehtud fotosid ning želatiin-siirdetrükki.
Näitusel osalevad kunstnikud:
Litman Huang, Austin Alleman, Birgit Mahla, Helena Kivi, Anni Julge, Annabel Suigusaar, Jörgen Loot, Kristiin Hanimägi, Xenia Kvitko, Evelin Mühlberg, Tanel Krinal, Saulė Poškutė
Näitus on avatud 23. märtsini muuseumi lahtioleku aegadel: K-P 12:00 - 18:00
Näituse külastamine on kõigile huvilistele prii.
Join us for the TYPA Darkroom Club Exhibition opening on Friday, 17th of March 8pm at TYPA Gallery.
When displaying photos in the darkroom, the sense of time disappears and one can often feel strange sensations when contemplating alone in the red light. During the developing process, you can never be quite sure what the outcome might be. A frame on a film strip can be completely lost by adding chemicals in the wrong order, but sometimes a touch of inexplicable magic is added to the film and the photos come out even more thrilling than originally planned. This sense of the unknown, the excitement of experimentation and the magic of the darkroom is conveyed by the photo artists in this exhibition.
TYPA Darkroom Club started in the fall of 2021. Our club members come from different countries and backgrounds, but they are united by a passion for experimentation in the darkroom and old cameras. Various photo techniques are practiced in the Photography Club and we’ll display the most interesting experiments of the season. You can see cyanotypes, silver-gelatin photographs, photos taken with a pinhole camera and gelatin transfer printing.
Artists participating in the exhibition: Litman Huang, Austin Alleman, Birgit Mahla, Helena Kivi, Anni Julge, Annabel Suigusaar, Jörgen Loot, Kristiin Hanimägi, Xenia Kvitko, Evelin Mühlberg, Tanel Krinal, Saulė Poškutė
The exhibition is open until the 23rd of March during the opening hours of the museum: Mon-Fri 12:00 - 18:00
Visiting the exhibition is free for all.
Teised üritused
Kuupäev: 17. 03. 23 - 23. 04. 23
Kell: 20:00 - 00:00
Koht: TYPA galerii
Pilet: Tasuta