Mick Pedaja & Coals (PL) On Tour

Atmosfäärilised helilained Mick Pedajalt ja duolt Coals (Poola). Helge talveõhtune rännak kunstimaailma.

Atmospheric sound waves from Mick Pedaja and Coals (Poland). A touching winter journey into the world of beauty.

Coals is young duo from Poland.Coals are inspired by artists such as Spooky Black, Soap&Skin,Dean Blunt and Sigur Ros. An exclusive British magazine The Quietus about Coals: "The somewhat creamy quality of Coals' music is an experience akin to being wrapped up in cotton wool and sailing away on ebb tides of unperturbed bliss."

Coals Facebookis

Uksed kell 19:00
Kontserdi algus kell 20:00

Piletiinfo: eelmüügist 10.- ukselt 15.-

Kontsert Facebookis

Teised üritused


Kuupäev: 23. 02. 18

Kell: 19:00 - 23:00

Koht: Erinevate Tubade Klubi

Pilet: 10 € / 15 €

