Kontsert: IKS (NL/EST)

IKS (NED-EST) plaadiesitlusekontsert!

Bahghi Yemane - vokaal
Isla Van Hout - vokaal
Marina Porolfsdottir - vokaal
Mikael Mani Asmundsson - kitarr
Robert Rebane - bass

IKS combines their jazz-roots with their love for Pop and R&B. With the uncommon set up of three completely different voices that blend wonderfully together, accompanied by a grooving rhythm section consisting of bass and guitar, they have a unique sound in their arrangements and original music. Without the expected drum set, they’re able to create an intimate atmosphere as well as gospel like explosions whenever the music needs it

Although based in Amsterdam, the five band members are from all over Europe - The Netherlands, Belgium, Iceland and Estonia. The three singers are: Isla van Hout, Bahghi Yemane and Marina Porolfsdottir. Mikael Ásmundsson on guitar and Robert Rebane on bass guitar.

In 2018 they released their first EP called IKS.

more info: www.iksquintet.com

Uksed kell 19.00
Kontsert kell 20.00
Pilet: 5/3€ (soodustus õpilane, tudeng, pensionär)

Kontsert Facebookis

Teised üritused


Kuupäev: 05. 05. 18

Kell: 20:00 - 22:00

Koht: Erinevate Tubade Klubi

Pilet: 3 € / 5 €

