Kino // Tartu ETK Veinikino #7
(ENG below)
Veinikino toob Sinuni 5 lühifilmi ja 5 veini - elamus, mis ka elamus on. Veinikino ühendab kaks head asja: me oleme valinud välja viis lühifilmi ning serveerime iga filmi kõrvale spetsiaalselt valitud veinimargi. Sedasi filmile lisanduv lõhna- ja maitseelamus pakub täiuslikku naudingut kõigile meeltele. Saab filmi, saab venini. Ja mis kõige olulisem - saab naeru! (eng below)
Täpsem info veinide ja filmide kohta peatselt!
Uksed 18.30 | filmid & veinid 19.30-22.00
Pilet sisaldab: 5 lühifilmi, 5 klaasi veini, istekohta saalis.
Piletid: TBA
Veinikino filme ja veine saab nautida Erinevate Tubade Klubi mõnusas õhkkonnas, kus saal on jaotatud elutubadeks ja igal toal on oma 47’’ ekraan. Klubi uksed ja baar on avatud alates kella 18:30, Veinikino alustab kell 19:30 ning pärast kinoprogrammi lõppu saab jääda klubisse seltskonda nautima.
* Veinikino ei ole mõeldud alla 18-aastastele. Klubi töötajatel on õigus küsida vanuse tõendamiseks dokumenti.
Films and wines have a lot in common. Movies tell stories using the tools of cinematography: genre, atmosphere and visual composition. Wines too have stories to tell, with their own distinctive characteristics: colour, aroma and taste. And if you happen to experience a very good one of either, you’re bound to leave with a long lasting memory.
Wine Cinema combines the two: we have chosen five short movies and selected a wine to accompany each of these movies. Adding the sense of aroma and taste to the audio-visual adventure will complete the sensuous experience.
Wine Cinema’s film programme is curated by animator Priit Tender and the wine selection is done by sommelier Helen Põder.
The Wine Cinema takes place in the Club of Different Rooms (Tartu Erinevate Tubade Klubi or ETK). The main hall of the Club consists of 10 living rooms with couches and armchairs and a 47’’ screen each. The Club and the bar will be open from 6:30pm, the Wine Cinema programme begins at 7:30pm and after the programme you’re welcome to enjoy the night at our bar.
Tickets: TBA
* Wine Cinema is not for persons under the age of 18 years. The Club employees have the right to ask for ID to verify your age.
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