KINO // Aparaaditehase suvine välikino: Queendom


“Queendom” (2023) on emotsionaalselt raputav portreefilm, mis räägib loo Venemaa trööstitust väikelinnast Magadanist pärit kväärkunstnikust Jennast, kes lavastab kunsti ja aktivismi ühendavaid aktsioone Moskva tänavatel. Kleeplindist, prügist ja teistest leidmaterjalidest tehtud lummavate kostüümide ning omanäoliste, süngete ning läbi ja lõhki kvääride performance’ite kaudu püüab ta muuta inimeste arusaama ilust ning juhtida tähelepanu Vene ühiskonnas laialt levinud vaenule LGBT-kogukonna vastu. Tema radikaalne looming iseloomustab kväärkunsti aktivistlikku olemust, mille eest tuleb aga maksta karmi hinda.

Filmilinastus toimub Aparaaditehase hoovis 25. juunil kell 22.30. Film on vene keeles ja linastub ingliskeelsete subtiitritega.

Linastus on osa drag-kultuuriprojekti Siinpool sood suvisest publikuprogrammist, mis tutvustab Eesti drag-skeenet, harib ning avab selle minevikku, olevikku ja tulevikku.

Sündmus toimub Aparaaditehase Avatud kultuuriplatvormi raames koostöös Elektriteatriga. Sündmuse toimumist toetab Tartu linn. Projekt on osa Euroopa Kultuuripealinn Tartu 2024 põhiprogrammist.

The only open-air cinema screening of the summer at Aparaaditehas

“Queendom” (2023) tells the story of Jenna, a queer artist from a small town in Russia, who dresses in otherworldly costumes made from junk and tape and protests the government on the streets of Moscow. Born and raised on the harsh streets of Magadan, a frigid outpost of the Soviet gulag, Jenna is only 21. She stages radical performances in public that become a new form of art and activism. By doing that, she wants to change people’s perception of beauty and queerness and bring attention to the harassment of the LGBTQ+ community. The performances - often dark, strange, evocative, and queer at their core - are a manifestation of Jenna’s subconscious. But they come at a price.

The film will be screened in the courtyard of Aparaaditehas on July 25th at 22.30. The film is in Russian and will be screened with English subtitles.

The screening is part of the drag-culture project Siinpool sood that takes place in Tartu throughout the year 2024. Its goal is to empower queer arts, amplify the voices of the drag community and demand space and visibility for queer arts in Estonia. The project consists of a workshop program, collaborative theatre production, drag shows, performances, and special events that aim to educate, contextualize, and expand upon the past, present, and future of Estonian drag.

The event will take place within the Open Cultural Platform of Aparaaditehas in collaboration with Elektriteater. The event is supported by the city of Tartu. The project is part of the main program of the European Capital of Culture Tartu 2024.

Teised üritused


Kuupäev: 25. 07. 24

Kell: 22:30 - 23:59

Koht: Taskupark

Pilet: Tasuta

