Ashtanga & Vinyasa Flow - Ervin Menyhart
Ervin Menyhart WS (UK)
Jooga dünaamika täielik ekspositsioon
Ashtanga & Vinyasa Flow
25.-27. mai STUUDIOS SAMM
Mul on suur rõõm teatada, et Ervin Menyhart tulemas Eestisse ja ma kutsun Sindki sellest toredast nädalavahetusest osa saama.
usun, et see töötuba annab uusi teadmisi ja kinnitab vanu. Kindlasti
arvetsame töötoas osalejate huve ning leiame aja nendega tegelemiseks!
nädalavehtus täis jooga töötubasid sobib kõigile, kellel on juba
mingisugunegi kokkupuude dünaamiliste jooga vormidega, kes praktiseerib
Ashtanga joogat või õpetajatele, kes sooviks saada kasulikke näpunäiteid
ja inspiratsiooni enda tundidesse.
Ervin on sündinud Ungaris,
aga elanud aastakümneid juba Inglismaal. Ta on pühendanud viimased 30
aastat joogale ning selle jagamisele. Ta on saanud innustust mitmetelt
väga suurtelt õpetajatelt ja aastaid ise uurinud jooga filosoofiat ning
selle olemust.
25. mai 18.00 - 20.00 "Inner Monkey" lõbusad 2 tundi, kus saame enda meeltega töötada.
26. mai 11.00 - 13.00 Asana ja Vinyasa roll jooga harjutuses
14.00 - 16.00 Liikumise ja joondumise printsiibid (Q&A)
16.15 - 17.30 KiT projekt - jooga filosoofia ja ajalugu
27.mai 10.00 - 12.00 Asanate alternatiivid, vinyasade efektiivne kasutamine
13.00 - 15.00 Juhendatud tund - Yoga flow
15.15 - 16.00 Küsimused ja vastused - interaktiivne vestlus
Varajasele registreerujale soodushind 85 eurot kogu nädalavahetus, kehtib kuni 30. aprillini!
3 päeva 95 eurot
2 päeva 85 eurot
1 päev 50 eurot
1 tund 20 eurot
osalus kinnitatakse, kui oled tasunud osalutasu täismahus 22. maiks
Deepdance OÜ arvelduskontole: SEB EE091010220210798228 , selgitusse
Ervini workshop ja enda nimi.
Soovijatele väljastame tõendid töötoa mahu ja sisu kohta.
Registreerumiseks kirjuta või helista, et uurida täpsemlt 56844766
Üritus Facebookis
In English:
Workshops with Ervin Menyhárt
Friday 25th, Saturday 26 and Sunday 27 May 2018
Stuudio Samm, Tartu, Estonia
training in dynamic forms of yoga such as Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga or
Vinyasa Flow, it is essential to find the right way into the posture for
setting up correct alignment. In my view an asana does not have its own
alignment, but each individual person does, according to her/his
individual body type, physical needs and abilities.” (EM)
In the
physical practice first of all we must come to a good understanding of
the two intertwined components - the dynamic part (vinyasa) and the
held/static part (asana). Without an intelligent interface between the
two no dynamic yoga form will work.
How do we enter a pose in
order to establish solid foundations? How do we engage with the posture
and ‘empower’ it? How do we exit after releasing a pose? It all needs a
close examination. The four Phases – Enter, Engage, Empower, Exit –
these will be our ‘tool kit’ for these workshops. We will also look
deeper - what role does my mind play in yoga? How do my emotion
influence what and how I do? Remember - ‘yoga’ means unity, integrity of
the whole human - body, mind and heart…
The workshops will be
suitable for all levels of practice, and highly recommended for
experienced practitioners and teachers. We will explore the significance
of working with the breath, selecting movement, alignment and posture
holding alternatives in order to identify methods and techniques to suit
individual needs and abilities.
We will compare the ‘Mysore
style’ ashtanga vinyasa with others such as vinyasa krama, and explore
techniques used in styles taught by teachers such as BKS Iyengar, Norman
Sjoman,to help each one of us identify the methods/techniques that suit
us best.
Often working in pairs and small groups, we will help
each other to discover how some seemingly minor details can have great
effects on the integrity and success of the postures and the connecting
movement chains.
To have a complete yoga practice, one needs to
learn to use the posture practice as the doorway, a portal for deeper
work, and look what lays beyond. There will be opportunities to learn
basic pranayama (breath control) exercises, and we will explore
meditative and self observing techniques to build better access to our
‘internal dimensions’.
The set of workshops is structured in such
a way that you can select individual parts / sessions to fit your
interests and time availability, so while it is best to do the whole
set, you can carve out what you want.
There will be a cost advantage if you book the whole programme.
Friday 25th May - Welcome to the Monkey House!
17.45-18.00 Arrivals and registration
18.00-20.00 Finding and Taming your ‘Inner Monkey”
you think your ‘logical mind’ is in charge of your life, think again…
Our ‘emotive/instinctive self’ plays a vastly underestimated role! We
will explore our ‘inner powers’ through yoga based practices such as a
flowing sequence of ‘mini-ashtanga’, Constructive Introspection (like
Mindfulness Meditation) and ‘catching our Monkey and work’.
A fun-filled two hours, including questions/answers/requests at the end.
Saturday 26th May
11.00-13.00 Understanding the Role of Asana and Vinyasa in Dynamic Yoga Forms
the four Phases of the movement and posture cycle: Enter, Engage,
Empower, Exit. Understanding and Using Suryanamaskar - the powerhouse of
dynamic yoga forms, often underestimated and poorly implemented
13.00-14.00 Lunch break
14.00-15.30 Movement and Alignment Principles in Dynamic Sequences
sequences from Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga and other styles for comparison,
we will explore how to set up correct foundations, positioning the
pelvis, working the spine.
The Challenges of Vinyasa -
“my arms are too short to lift off”
“my bottom is too heavy”
“why can’t I do this?”
“are there any alternatives?”
The session will answer this and more…
15.30-16.00 Questions and Answers, work on ‘wish lists’ of those at the workshop
Exploring the philosophy and history of yoga and the KiT Project (Krama
Intelligence Training) - interactive talk with Ervin
Sunday 28th May
Building the Ashtanga Sequence and its Alternatives - exploring the
postures and movement chains, correct use of asana and vinyasa;
understanding, receiving and making necessary adjustments.
12.00-13.00 Lunch break
13.00-14.30 Full Flow Session: a complete, flowing talk-through session, with personalised modifications, where necessary.
14.30-15.00 Questions and Answers, work on ‘wish lists’ of those at the workshop
Exploring the philosophy and history of yoga and the KiT Project (Krama
Intelligence Training) - interactive talk with Ervin
Additional offer, free of charge to those who attend the workshop:
session with Ervin, to discuss the individual’s yoga practice, needs
and aspirations. You can book this when you meet Ervin.
Fees and Booking:
Single class: 20E, One day: 50E, Two days: 85E, Three days: 95 E
For your booking please email to Evelyn Tuul
About Ervin Menyhart:
was born in Hungary, also lived, studied and worked in Poland, Austria,
Australia, settled in the UK in 1987 where he lives ever since. Yoga
practice initially started in 1984, taken on as main occupation in
December 2000. Ervin also taught yoga at Coventry University for ten
years. His first teacher and mentor was James Critchlow, studied also
with David Swenson, Richard Freeman, John Scott. Spent time in India
learning at the old Mysore shala from K Pattabhi Jois, also practiced
with Sri Sheshadri.
Strong recent influence comes from Norman Sjoman,
a Sanskrit scholar and a true expert on yoga. They have been
cooperating for the past four years. Ervin’s current main project of KiT
(Krama Intelligence Training) is a modern holistic reconditioning
training system, combining the old wisdom of yoga with principles from
modern science, philosophy and art
Kuupäev: 25. 05. 18 - 27. 05. 18
Kell: 18:00 - 16:00
Koht: Stuudio Samm
Pilet: 20 € / 95 €