saal on universaalne 160 m2 suurune ruum Aparaaditehase IV korpuse I
korrusel. See ruum hoiab ja demonstreerib enim kogu tehase
industriaalset minevikku, olles samas täidetud mugavust ja turvalisust
pakkuvate lahendustega. Armastuse saali saab kasutada kontsertide,
pidude, koosolekute, seminaride, turgude, huvikooli pidamiseks - ruum on
ülesehituselt äärmuseni võimaldav. Armastuse saali juurde kuulub kahe
maja vaheline privaatne mikropark, mis lubab pidada pop-up kohvikut,
välinäitust, teha joogat või lihtsalt värsket õhku hingata. Lisaks põhisaalile saab kasutada ka liuguksega eraldatud 30m2 abiruumi, mis sobib nii artistide tagaruumiks kui näiteks cateringi ettevalmistusteks. Armastuse saalis on olemas heli- ja esitlustehnika.
saali kasutamise hind sõltub sellest, mis üritust korraldada
soovitakse. Kõik on kokkuleppeline ja kõik on võimalik: võta meiega
ühendust ja arutame.
Armastuse saal (the Hall of Love) is a 160m2 multifunctional venue located on the first floor of
Aparaaditehas. It is accessible from the courtyard and Kastani street. Armastuse saal has a
rough industrial atmosphere which celebrates the factory’s rich history while also offering
modern comforts and a touch of glamour with it’s golden floor.
Aparaaditehas. It is accessible from the courtyard and Kastani street. Armastuse saal has a
rough industrial atmosphere which celebrates the factory’s rich history while also offering
modern comforts and a touch of glamour with it’s golden floor.
Armastuse saal is suitable for concerts, parties, performances, seminars, meetings, fairs,
classes and so forth – only your imagination is the limit. The hall also includes a tiny micro-park
situated in the narrow corridor between two buildings. The outdoor area can be used as a
pop-up bar or café, an exhibition space, or just a nice private area to stretch your legs between
a meeting or to cool down after dancing.
classes and so forth – only your imagination is the limit. The hall also includes a tiny micro-park
situated in the narrow corridor between two buildings. The outdoor area can be used as a
pop-up bar or café, an exhibition space, or just a nice private area to stretch your legs between
a meeting or to cool down after dancing.
The rent depends on the time, length and type of the event. Everything is possible and
negotiable so contact us and we’ll come up with an offer.
negotiable so contact us and we’ll come up with an offer.